Perl Poetry

Mashup von Juliane Duda zu der Kategorie „adhoc“


Im Magazin der Süddeutschen Zeitung konnte man heute dieses Gedicht des Computerexperten und Lyrikers Craig Counterman lesen. Wenn sie mehr darüber wissen wollen gehen sie auf die Homepage des Autors.

while                                 ($
I <3                                 ) {
                      $_[$_++]="*"." "x$
I                                   ++;"
soar                                 ";}

while                                 ($
you <3                               ) {
                      $_[$_++]="*"." "x$
I                                   ++;"
soar with                            ";$
you                                 ++;}

while                                 ($
he <3                    ) {$_[$_]=" "x$
he                                ."*";"
joins with us
in flight           ";$_[$_++].=" "x(2-$
he                                 ++);"
soars                                ";}

while                                 ($
she <3                               ){"
I join with her for a time then   ";$_[$
I                                    ].=
reverse                             $_[$
I                                  ++];$
return                                ;"
but still                            ";$
she                                 ++;"
soars                                ";}

while                                 ($
another <3                           ){"
me and                               ";$
I                                     =$
another                               ;"
we share joy then                 ";$_[$
I                                    ].=
reverse                             $_[$
I                                    ];$
return                                ;$
another                            ++;}"
comes with me                        ";$
all                                   =$
are                                   .$
with                                  .$
one                                   .$
another                                ;

while                                 ($
they <3                              ){"
they all <3 me and                   ";$
I                                     =$
all                                ;$_[$
I                                    ].=
reverse                             $_[$
I                                    ];$
return                                ;$
they                                ++;$
all                                 ++;"
soar                                 ";}

while                                 ($
we <3                                ){"
all join
all split                         ";$_[$
all                                  ].=
reverse                             $_[$
all                                  ];$
return                                ;$
we                                  ++;$
all                                 ++;"
come together
to soar                 "}$_[$_++]=" ";"

this is my way
this is my programming
and so to explain myself I            ";
write                                 ;"
this to you in this peculiar          ";
format                                =

                     @||||||||||||||| ~~

Craig Counterman


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